Assistens Kierkegaard, the city's grandest cemetary which I visited in Nørrebro.
(photo by Jens Astrup for Berlingske)
Bad News First: My beloved Canon EOS 300D seems to have perished. The shutter has failed and despite trying everything within my imagination and suggested on the web, it can't seem to be fixed. Apparently an exhausted shutter costs upwards of $800 to fix. Considering the model is also almost 7 years old, numerous repairmen advised that I give up and simply buy a new Canon body. As much as I love this camera, I see that they are right! I have been so pleased with it so far though.
The Good News? Um, nothing spectacular BUT I am living in an amazingly beautiful city, I have a comfortable apartment to come home to, I am eating good food and I have the best friends and family in the world - as far apart as everyone may be spread.
My ski trip to Zermatt with my dad and brother was a perfect vacation. Solid exercise, unbelievable food, two people I have missed very much, and so much fun!! The scenery was pretty unbelievable, as always.
The week I got back (with a pretty decent goggle tan) I completed the major independent GIS project for the semester. My partner Nicholas and I performed an impact analysis of a proposed windfarm in southwestern Denmark on local bird migration patterns. We used radar data that Nicholas had collected from a field trip with his master's conservation(?) class. It was definitely not the prettiest project I have ever done, but I was so proud to do something in GIS with semi-real life applicaiton! (the proposed area is in actuality is a strict conservation zone). Now that it is done I only have my GIS exam to study for on April 16 and Kierkegaard and Danish Culture Class once a week! Back home, I would have scoffed at such an imaginary schedule, but here it seems to be the norm. The University of Copenhagen is a very indepedent study-focused institution.
Otherwise I have been moving pretty slow, and taking my time to really appreciate the city in spring! Copenhagen is like a different place once spring turns. Last friday the temperature was incredibly high, somewhere around 17 degrees Celsius at midday. I biked through Nørrebro and was absolutely startled by the amount of people outside! Faces seemed to flood the streets and I wondered - Where on earth did all these people come from? With warm weather Danes come out of their shells, and the city is transformed. On my bike rides I am suddenly noticing amazing architecture details, the reflection of the (thawed!) water on the canals, and so much colour! I wish that I could show you.
These days I can enjoy my window open and in come the beautiful smells of spring - dirt, plants, rain. I hope you are all enjoying spring as it comes to you wherever you are!